The Best Coil For Equinox 800 Metal Detectors

Knowing which coil works best for the Equinox 800 metal detector is a game-changer. The coil is of significant import because it sends the electromagnetic signal into the ground and returns with the promise of unfound treasures below. So, what is the best coil for Equinox 800 metal detectors?

The best coil for the Equinox 800 is Minelab 15” DD Smart Coil. The DD Smart coil can fit any Equinox model and is safe in wet and dry situations. Moreover, it is one of the most highly-rated products for the Equinox 800 because of its lower price point and top-notch scanning and receiving potential.

There are all kinds of upgrades and additions that you could add to your Equinox 800, but there aren’t many that have the impact of the 15” DD Smart Coil. So read on and learn what it is capable of, as well as a few honorable mentions.

The Best Coil For Equinox 800 Metal Detectors

While Minelab makes some of the best equipment for their machines, there are several other companies out there who make excellent products that will have you pinging items everywhere, from the local beach to your backyard. You should always check the coils before adding them to the Equinox, as after-market parts could need special adapters to connect.

The 15” Coil from Minelab is a Can’t-Miss Upgrade!

best coil for equinox 800

Do not mistake how vital this piece of equipment can be for your metal detector. Minelab prides itself on making some cutting-edge upgrades and sensors for its metal detectors. The 15 DD Smart Coil has set a standard that forces all their other products to up their games.

One of the things that stick out about this model is its construction. No money is wasted on the solid, submersible plastic that houses the critical sensing technology. Minelab always uses the best components, but with the 15” DD Smart Coil, they present all their glory at a fair price to beginners and veterans alike.

Minelab 15 DD Smart Coil (Equinox)Minelab Waterproof 15 Search Coilmetal detector coil for gold

A shortcoming of the DD Smart Coil is that it doesn’t have the scanning area of larger models. That’s all. On every other measurable, this type of coil competes with some that are two and three times its list price. You can’t go wrong with a Minelab’s 15” DD Smart Coil.

The 6” Smart Coil is an Excellent Choice for New Treasure Hunters

Minelab 6 DD Smart Coil

One of the great things about Equinox is that you can start with a conservatively priced rig and work your way up to a Cadillac style with every option on the market. In addition, the 6” Coil works underwater, which is a great way to provide beach searchers the features they need while still allowing them to search wherever they want.

One of the bad things about the Smart Coil is the size. When the signal is transmitted, it only works in the area covered by the coil. Therefore, smaller coils require more passes over the site you hunt, which means more time searching because of a smaller coverage with each sweep.

The technology inside the coils is impressive. The Smart Coil works so well because it is made with some of the best wires and components in the metal detector game. As a result, Minelab makes solid products that you can trust.

The Minelab’s 17” Coil is the Jewel in Their Crown

Minelab 17 DD Smart Coil

One of the most impressive and pricey coils on the market is the Minelab 17”. It is customer rated just a bit less than the 15” coil, but the price scares most people away. Also, the area covered by the signal in this model is fantastic! More surface area means that you can search with greater depth and cover more ground.

Getting into metal detectors can be pricey. This 17” coil is just a tiny bit of what you can upgrade on the Equinox models, and new toys are going to hit you dead center in the wallet every time. All that tech is expensive! So be ready to shell out major bucks to attach one of these to your model 800 Equinox.

One of the best things about the 17” coil is that it has one of the best signals out there. It blasts the ground with a solid radio signal that can be filtered out to search for specific minerals and metals and avoid those pesky bottle tops.

An 11” Minelabs Smart Coil is a Workhorse Detector Coil

Minelab 11 DD Smart Coil

Let’s face it. Getting something that is entry-level can be a turn-off. There aren’t many upgrades, and you might not have access to the critical functions you need while on your treasure hunt in the Everglades. The 11” coil made by Minelabs is an excellent entry-level coil with similar upgrades as the 15” and 17”.

A definite downside to this model is the size. While the 6” is suitable for those searching for fun, the 11” takes it to the next level and gives you almost twice the coil area. Coil size is everything, and hot search areas mean goodies hidden beneath the ground.

As far as a starter coil goes, you can’t go wrong with an 11”. It takes your metal detecting from the backyard and public beaches to long dried-up creek beds and rougher terrain. Using the 11 gives you a great detector while leaving the door open to go whole hog on an expensive rig.

The Best Coil For Equinox 800 Conclusion

The 15” Smart Coil made by Minelabs is the way to go if you want to beef up your Equinox 800. Sticking with products made by Minelab means that you don’t have to go the extra mile on adapters or connectors for off-brand equipment.

Choose a coil that fits not only your budget but your purpose as well. For example, taking a metal detector that is too small for a large open area can be a death knell for the young treasure hunter or the weekend warrior looking for more time out of the house. 

Best Coil For Equinox 800 Sources: