8 Metal Detecting For Kids Tips For Hunting Success & Fun

Do you have a child that has an interest in metal detecting?  Do you have a child in your life that you want to teach this hobby?  Keep reading to discover helpful metal detecting for kids tips!  More than anything, we want to help the kids in your life have more fun and success with this hobby! Kids are always up for fun and adventure.

Think about it,  how fun is it to see a child’s face light up, especially after experiencing metal detecting success!  Imagine scavenging for treasure at the beach, in the woods, or even in your backyard. With a metal detector and a little imagination, your children could have a blast searching for hidden metals, coins, and other gems just beneath the surface.

Metal detecting for kids can be a lot of fun. It is always exciting to find something new and have the hope of finding something unique and exciting.  Metal detecting is an activity all the kids can enjoy as well as the adults. These tips will help you have the best experience with your kids.

Can Kids Go Metal Detecting?

Yes! Kids can go metal detecting. They can join clubs and groups that go metal detecting, or they can go with an adult. Once they learn the code of conduct and understand some ground rules of metal detecting, metal detecting is not only fun but a great learning experience.

can kids go metal detecting

8 Metal Detecting For Kids Tips For Hunting Success & Fun

Metal detecting for kids is exciting for everyone; however, there are a few tips that you can apply to help ensure the best outcome possible. Here are some guidelines and tricks to help you to make your kids hunting happy and successful.

Let Your Kids Practice Metal Detecting

Before you decide to metal detect somewhere public, consider letting your children use your backyard as a hunting area. Hunting in the yard will allow them to have practice in a familiar space, and you can take the time to teach them the proper way to uncover objects found by the metal detector.

Discuss Important Metal Detecting Guidelines

Always set clear ground rules that your children can understand and follow with ease. Children may need a little reminding, but they will surprise you with how well they listen if the rules are simple. Establishing clear expectations is especially the case when experiencing a new adventure or activity.

Teach them some of the basic codes of conduct for metal detecting. Helping your child understand how to behave will help them know what to do if they encounter other people using metal detectors.

Below are eight basic rules that you should discuss with your children and reiterate while metal detecting:

8 Metal Detecting For Kids Guidelines

  • Don’t damage property or natural habitats (any marked-off areas are off-limits).
  • Never trespass onto someone’s property.
  • Be considerate of others in the area.
  • Show respect to the natural environment.
  • Pick up any trash you find in the area.
  • If you find identifiable objects, return them to the proper owner.
  • No running, pushing or shoving.
  • Be kind.

Of course, you can add any rules that you think best fit your children—however, the fewer rules, the better. Metal detecting for kids should be fun; it is best to help them understand why these guidelines matter rather than just giving them a list of rules.

Be Patient With Children While Metal Detecting

Remember, metal detecting for kids will require patience, especially during the first trip metal detecting. Kids are testing adults’ patience all the time, but part of it is their endless amount of energy. When children become excitable, and in a group setting, their energy and behavior can abound.  This is ok, harness their excitement and focus it toward metal detecting success.

Setting the ground rules and some of these other tips in place can help you calm the environment, to help you remain patient. As the leader, you can help focus and disperse some of that energy that comes with their excitement.

Pick Locations To Metal Detect You Are Familiar With

Picking a familiar place will not only allow the children to know their way already around, but it will help you. You don’t have to worry about what’s around each corner because you have been there before. It takes away some of the stress if you were to go somewhere you don’t know.

Tips For A Successful Metal Detecting Trip With Kids

  • Research ahead of time for areas that you can have success
  • Get permission to access the property, if necessary
  • If possible, take your kids to the location ahead of time to familiarize everyone with the area
  • Identify and mark areas that you want to hunt
  • Bring plenty of drinks and snacks

With a bit of preparation, metal detecting for kids can be a great success! It’s always best to identify good spots to use your metal detector before actively hunting.  Create a map of where you want to start this adventure and include your kids in the process. It makes your planning so much easier.

kids metal detecting

Make It Into A Scavenger Hunt If You Have Young Kids

A scavenger hunt may be something to look into if you want to add a little more structure or have younger kids. This idea allows the kids to focus on something as they sift through the dirt and give a little more excitement to those who may not be as interested as the rest.

You can find many scavenger hunt activity sheets online, or you can even make it into a bingo sheet. For every item on their bingo card they find, they mark it off. Once they get a row completed or fill their entire card, they win a prize. 

Anticipate A Shorter Metal Detecting Trip

Try not to make the trip too long.  Depending on the age and maturity level of the kids, they may not have a very long attention span. The ages and maturity level of the kids will determine the best length for your trip.

With younger children, you may want to do intervals of 15 to 20 minutes of searching. For older children, you can do intervals of 60 minutes. The more you go out and hunt for treasure with your metal detectors, the longer your kids will be able to concentrate on the searching.

Establish A System For Searching Larger Areas

For large areas or heavily-trafficked spaces, you can put a system in place. This strategy could be a parameter that the kids have to search within. Maybe you don’t want them going out of your eyesight.

Consider putting a buddy system in place if you have more than one child with you. They can stick with their partner just in case they get lost. This practice also ensures that they stay safe in these public places.

Go Metal Detecting With Kids After It Rains

Metal detecting after it rains has many benefits. You will have new treasures to find with your metal detector because the rain or storms have moved them around. You can go to the same place you went to last week and discover that there is a whole new wealth of objects to find.

It is also much easier to dig in the dirt when it is wet. Sometimes when the ground is dry, it can be hard and challenging to dig. Not every place you go is going to be sandy like the beach.

What Is A Good Metal Detector For A Kid?

When it comes to metal detectors, it’s best to purchase a quality machine with great reviews. So if you pay for a metal detector for less than $100, you may find that it isn’t the best product and doesn’t find many hidden treasures.

Kids’ metal detectors run for around $100, but you will have to pay a little extra if you want a quality metal detector that will last a while and successfully detect metals. Here are some of the top brands when it comes to metal detectors for kids:

National Geographic Pro Series Metal Detector

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PRO Series Metal Detector for kids

RM RICOMAX Professional Metal Detector

RM RICOMAX Professional Metal Detector for kids

Gold Digger Metal Detector

Gold Digger Metal Detector for kids

The first metal detectors are a little pricier but are great for kids serious about this hobby. If you need a more budget-friendly option, the Gold Digger Metal Detector is an excellent product while affordable.

To view the best metal detectors for kids according to their age, check out the post: 3 Best Metal Detectors For Kids According To Their Age Range

Metal Detecting For Kids Summary

Metal detecting for kids is a great hobby, whether it is just your child or the whole family. It is such a fun activity for everyone! You and your children can learn a lot while finding interesting and unique items hidden within the earth.

For more gold and metal detecting help and tips, check out some of the other popular posts:

The Top 3 Metal Detecting Course Options For Best Training

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 10 Metal Detecting Tips, Pro-Tricks & Help For Best Success